Sunday, May 23, 2010

Quote from this mornings sermon.

"The sin underlying all other other sin is not finding joy in Jesus."
This morning in church, those words hit me hard, and resonated. And they have stuck with me throughout the day. 

Also, I wanted to share with you two blog posts that are penetrating my soul this week. You can find them here and here.

" We die daily. Happy those who daily come to life as well. "

-George MacDonald


Leslie said...

really like this qoute a lot... thanks for sharing friend.

~beautyandjoy~ said...

I love, I love, I love that quote. It makes me cry. I am so glad you shared it. XO You pulled me through it, friend, someday I'll have to tell you how significant your prayers and timing (always) are. Thank you for being your gifted, tender, sensitive, Holy Spirit led self. I am always, ever grateful. Love you. xo

PS I have a (new to me) book list of must reads for you. Oh my.